This weeks training walk didn’t get off to a great start, as I didn’t head off until gone 3pm. This time I decided to head off in the opposite direction to Hollybush, so went uphill, across the Common and up to Shadybank Common. From there I headed up the steep wooded path to Hangman’s Hill. I do love this path, even though I get out of puff rather quickly. Just keep going, just keep going is my mantra, even while my glasses are steaming up with the effort. The day was nicely cool and overcast, but I expected the Hills to be busy as this was a Bank Holiday weekend. However, whether it was because I was late out or because the weather wasn’t that great, but there really weren’t that many folk about. Took the lower route towards the British Camp, where most of the benches looking out over the reservoir were occupied. Then doubled back up the Beacon, huffing and puffing up the steps. Have definitely decided that going up the grassed areas is preferable to the steps. Did get complimented on my fleece by a gentlemen descending as I was ascending, but pretty sure his comment was ironic!!!
Headed down from the summit, via Clutter’s cave which had flowers left in the entrance – a tribute to someone? Then on along to Swinyard Hill all along the top of the ridge, and came down through bluebells into the woods along the roadway which the Landrover Experience often use. Walked down to the crossway where you go left down to the Gullet and right up to the Obelisk, but kept going on up towards Midsummer. The bluebells on the slopes leading up to Midsummer were truly epic, so I just had to stop to take a photo or two.

The photo doesn’t do the blueness justice – or give you that amazing evocative scent – heavenly. Trogged on along the pathway down into Hollybush, then home via the Millpond and the Common. 7.5 miles done in 3 hours 25 minutes at an average speed of 2.2 mile per hour – getting there!